Your worst fears

 Your worst fear 

Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath 
Go into the depth of your mind
Now imagine your worst fear. 
Something that scares the living hell out of you. 
Imagine you living your worst fears altogether. 
And there's no escape infront of you. 
You probably cant even think straight for a minute or two if you imagine living your fears.
Terrifying isnt it? 

Imagine living such that life ,
That you start to constantly and subconsciously feel more safe in your world full of fears than in this current life. 
Imagine wishing upon the life that scared the hell out of you ,as a means of escaping the real world. 
Imagine making a deal with the satan so that he could take you away from everything, even if it means you settling down in hell itself. 

Could you imagine ? 

If the answer is no , im glad you're living you're life the way you're supposed to. 

If the answer is yes , my condolences.

Yours sincerely, 
A citizen of hell. 


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